The Dangers of Driving on a Bent Rim
Posted By WheelerShip
Having a flat tire is an obvious problem—you won’t be able to get far without noticing. Having a bent rim, on the other hand, is not as obvious. There’s no flashing light to warn you. You may not even feel it as you’re driving but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t post a threat to you. Knowing the dangers of driving on a bent rim will help prevent you from having future accidents.
What Causes Bent Rims?
Before you can understand how dangerous it is to drive on a bent rim, you must first know what exactly causes this in the first place. There are a variety of things that can cause a bent rim, but below are some common occurrences.
Bumps and Bruises
Driving over the curve may feel like an innocent bump in the road. The truth is it’s not as innocent after all. In fact, these small bumps and bruises can have a dramatic effect on your wheel’s alignment. If one of your tires hits a curb pretty hard, chances are it’s no longer aligned with the other three.
Potholes are those small dents in the road that usually appear after a cold winter season. Chances are you’ve probably driven over quite a few in your lifetime. But the reality here is that potholes are dangerous for your rims. No matter how fast you’re driving, cruising through a pothole can cause significant damage.
Uneven Roads
Uneven roads are out of your control. Driving on a road that is currently under construction can damage your rims. It may not be significant at first, but over time, the damage can become a problem.
What Are the Signs of a Bent Rim?
Knowing the causes of a bent rim is important to prevent them. But as it was previously mentioned, having a bent rim isn’t the most obvious thing. Recognizing these signs of a bent rim will help you prevent further damage to your car.
Vibrations – If your rim is bent, you may feel the steering wheel begin to vibrate when you’re accelerating or driving at moderate to high speeds.
Thumping – You may begin to recognize a thumping sound when you’re driving.
Sunken Appearance – If your rim is bent, you may be able to notice your tire has a sunken appearance.
The Dangers of Driving on a Bent Rim
Now that you know what causes a bent rim and what it looks like, it’s important to know why they’re so dangerous in the first place. Driving on a bent rim can over time decrease the air pressure in your tires. This can lead to a flat tire or a blowout, which can cause a severe accident.
Bent rims can be caused by a misalignment. This itself is a danger to you and your car because it can lead to steering issues, making it hard to drive safely. You’re better off getting a replacement to avoid the dangers of driving on a bent rim.
Imagine—you just purchased a used car and you begin to notice your car tire keeps losing air pressure. This is a sign you have a bent rim.